I thought normal five day weeks went by fast, but this three day week flew by in the blink of an eye. As a result of a short week with my students, I was able to take a day and spend visiting Tyler Cremeans at Gettysburg High School.
This week I backed down to only three preps, and four classes. The end of the third marking period was Tuesday, and so Monday was spent reviewing for tests in both Veterinary Science and Horticulture. I was pleased with the review in both classes, as students really seemed to have a good understanding of the information covered. In Agriculture Mechanics, students were required to have their second electrical project completed by the end of the day on Tuesday. At the beginning of class on Monday, only five of the thirteen students were still working on project 2, while the rest moved on to project 3. Overall the students worked well throughout the class period, and were on track to be finished on time on Tuesday.
Tuesday was a quiet day, as students took tests in majority of the classes. I was really pleased with the scores on the tests, especially in Horticulture. The average of this test was better than the propagation unit. I talked with Mr. Steinfelt, and we feel that this is a result of both a different approach to note taking. However, I also feel that I was more comfortable with the information I was delivering in the IPM unit, which then resulted in increased clarity to the students.
Wednesday both Horticulture classes were able to spend time in the greenhouse. We were unable to give the greenhouse the attention it deserved as we prepared for the test, so it was great to get back in and get everything looking good again! Agriculture Mechanics moved forward to project 3, and those who finished worked to help students who were further behind.
I was very pleased to visit Tyler this past week. He was down to a lighter teaching load, much like myself, but I was still able to see him in action! I really enjoyed seeing how block schedules worked as far as classroom instruction, and I was surprised with how much I like it! The periods were over twice the amount of time I have to work with, and it was awesome how much they could get done in one days time!! It was also great to see the great things the program is doing, especially in the greenhouses! I also was able to spend time talking with Mr. Abma at the end of the day, and he had very encouraging things to say! I enjoy talking with individuals in the profession who truly rock it out!
Overall it was a great week! I now prepare for my final week with my students. I am sure that this week is going to be full of bitter sweet moments. Though I am excited to move forward into whatever chapter lies next for me, I am going to miss everyone that I have spent the last few months getting to know. I look forward to our chapter FFA banquet this Thursday, where we will take time to recognize all of the great accomplishments that were made this year. I couldn't think of a better way to end my experience at Athens!
Have a great banquet! Wish I could be there!